Community Groups


Please Note – Our community groups are currently running differently due to the pandemic.

Doncaster Health Visiting Service offer a wide range of health led FREE play groups and parenting classes based within Family Hubs, schools and community halls. Families with young children are encourage to attend and enjoy our safe facilities and receive the support that they need.


Why playgroups are great for babies and toddlers, mums and dads.

  • Social interaction – Babies and toddlers benefit from the opportunity to socially interact with other children of similar age to them, this will greatly help them to understand, adapt and cope in different situations, situations that they might not be used to within their own home.
  • Confidence building – Social interaction within playgroups encourages a lot of confident building, which in my mind is essential for children, especially as they develop into older kids and into their teens.
  • Meeting other parents – Playgroups don’t just benefit babies and toddlers, group based interactive support provides an opportunity for parents to come together in a safe and supportive
  • environment, interact with other parents, make lifelong friendships and share ideas and concerns. Meeting other parents who might be facing similar challenges to you, is a great way to discuss ideas and approaches to parenting.
  • Meeting their mental and physical needs – Playgroups are great for encouraging stimulation in babies and toddlers, and as parents we know how important stimulation is both mentally and in meeting children’s physical needs.
  • Give your children a head start for pre-school – One of the benefits of taking your child to playgroups is that it prepares and gives them a good head start for pre-school among other things.
For further information about our groups please visit our Facebook page doncasterhealthvisitors or call 0300 021 8997 to speak to a health professional.