Safeguarding Children
As the parent or carer of someone under 18 years old you are responsible for safeguarding and protecting them. The following information will help you to understand what safeguarding is , who is responsible for keeping children safe and what will happen if your family needs professional help.
The following two websites are our partner agencies who have key responsibilities for child protection.
Early Help
Early Help is a way of thinking and working together between services with families that have additional, multiple or complex needs.
Early help is a preventative approach to providing support to families when a need is identified or any problem emerges at any point in a child’s life. The aim is prevent further problems arising so that families can build resilience and find their own solutions for the future.
Children identified as in need or requiring protection.
If there is a concern identified, either by yourself, family members or professionals then a referral may need to be made into Doncaster Children’s Services Trust, a social worker will look at the information provided and decide what to do next to keep children and families safe. They may decide to do a children and families assessment in order to gather more information to decide whether you need more support from social care or other professionals.
Doncaster Children’s Services Trust – How we work with you
Domestic Abuse
Anyone can experience domestic abuse, if you are worried about your own relationship or someone else’s relationship, there is help available.
Domestic violence and abuse is an important public health issue that impacts on the health and well-being of a significant minority of individuals and their families. Health Visitors, as providers of universal health services in pregnancy and the first 5 years of life are particularly well placed to offer early support and help to parents who may be at risk of, or experience domestic violence or abuse.
The health visitors role will embrace an understanding of risks to children, including unborn infants, and the need to ensure that their welfare and safety are a primary consideration.
What is domestic abuse
Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass but is not limited to:
- Psychological
- Physical
- Sexual
- Financial
- Emotional
Controlling behaviour
Controlling behaviour is a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.
Coercive behaviour
Coercive behaviour is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.
You don’t have to wait for an emergency situation to seek help, if domestic abuse is happening to you, or someone you know, it is important to tell someone and remember you are not alone.
Useful Contacts
Emergency Services – 999
Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247 – runs in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge.
National Centre for Domestic violence – 0844 8044 999